1. Introduction

To support quality improvement and accountability, the Fourth National Mental Health Plan (Department of Health and Ageing, 2009) identified the need to develop nationally consistent measures of consumer and carer experience of care. This led to the development of the Your Experience of Service (YES) Survey, the Your Experience of Service Community Managed Organisation (YES CMO) Survey and the Mental Health Carer Experience Survey (CES). These tools are being implemented across the mental health sector.

In 2015, as part of its mental health reform agenda, the Australian Government established Primary Health Networks (PHNs) with the aim of improving the efficiency, effectiveness and coordination of care. PHNs commission services encompassing prevention through to early intervention, treatment and recovery.

In 2018 AMHOCN was tasked by the Australian Government Department of Health (DoH) with the development of a version of the YES Survey suitable for use with PHNs and their mental health service providers. This has become the YES PHN Survey.

The YES PHN can be collected and stored in the PMHC MDS via OMSSS or collected separately and uploaded to the PMHC MDS.

This data specification is to be used to upload YES PHN Survey results to and extract YES PHN Survey results from the PMHC MDS.