3. Upload specification

3.1. File requirements

Uploads will be rejected by our incoming data scanning system if they do not meet the following requirements:

3.1.1. Excel Workbook (XLSX)

Excel files must be in XLSX format. The following versions of Excel support this format:

  • Excel 2007 (v12.0)
  • Excel 2010 (v14.0)
  • Excel 2013 (v15.0)
  • Excel 2016 (v16.0)

One XLSX file must be uploaded containing multiple worksheets - one worksheet for each format described below.

When saving your file, please choose the filetype ‘Excel Workbook (.xlsx)’.

The filename of the Excel file doesn’t matter as long as it has the file extension .xlsx

3.1.2. Zip file containing Comma Separated Values (CSV)

The CSV files must conform to RFC 4180.

In addition, CSV files must be created using UTF-8 character encoding.

CSV files must have the file extension .csv

Multiple CSV files must be uploaded - one CSV file for each format described below.

The CSV files must be compressed into a single file by zipping before upload. The filename of the zip file doesn’t matter as long as it has the file extension .zip

3.1.3. File size

Files must be less than 512MB. The file size restriction prevents our systems from becoming unstable if extremely large files are uploaded. We will monitor if this limit causes issues for anyone and adjust it if necessary.

3.2. Files or worksheets to upload

The following files/worksheets can be uploaded to the PMHC MDS:

Table 3.1 Summary of files to upload
File Type CSV filename Excel worksheet name Required
Invitations invitations.csv Invitations Required
Metadata metadata.csv Metadata Required

Each of the example files assumes the following organisation structure:

Organisation Key Organisation Name Organisation Type Parent Organisation
PHN999 Test PHN Primary Health Network None
NFP01 Test Provider Organisation Private Allied Health Professional Practice PHN999

3.3. File format

Requirements for file formats:

  • The first row must contain the column headings as defined for each file type.
  • Each item is a column in the file/worksheet. The ‘Field Name’ must be used for the column headings. The columns must be kept in the same order.
  • The second and subsequent rows must contain the data.
  • Data elements for each file/worksheet are defined at Record formats.

3.3.1. Metadata file

All uploads must include a Metadata file/worksheet.

  • In the first row, the first cell must contain ‘key’ and the second cell must contain ‘value’
  • In the second row, the first cell must contain ‘type’ and the second cell must contain ‘YES-INVITATION’
  • In the third row, the first cell must contain ‘version’ and the second cell must contain ‘1.0’


Table 3.2 Metadata file
key value
version 1.0

Data elements for the metadata upload file/worksheet are defined at Metadata.

Example metadata data:

3.3.2. Invitation format

The invitation file/worksheet is required to be uploaded each time.

Data elements for the invitation upload file/worksheet are defined at Invitation.

Example invitation data: